We Inspire.

Engineers In Action strives to improve the conditions of isolated communities through the construction of pedestrian footbridges in these areas. Our EIA chapter collaborates alongside community members, university students and our in-country partner, Engineers in Action-Parent organization in order to accomplish this effort. EIA collaborates with local partners and communities to develop cost-effiecient alternatives for many bridge components. And this is the main reason we can still afford construction of footbridges in remote areas.

Bolivia '16

Churo Alto

During the summer of 2016, two Rutgers students from the campus group Engineers In Action traveled to Bolivia with students from the University of Colorado to help design and build a footbridge for the community of Churo Alto, where children had to traverse a gorge en route to school. They often slipped down the sides of the gorge or were unable to cross during the rainy season when the gorge flooded. The project took several weeks to build, and the students worked side-by-side with the Churo Alto community. The bridge was built at an elevation of 12,000 feet, which caused the work to feel even more strenuous than it would at sea-level. Yet, EIA was up for the challenge. The following video was recorded during the construction.
RU ready for a challenge like this? Join us

  • Read our Bolivia story on Targum
  • Read more on School of Engineering Website